Saturday, June 02, 2012

The Raving Moonbat?

I'm considering ending my political blog, the Raving Moonbat. It hasn't lived up to the expectations or image I had. But, before I send it off, I thought I'd ask what you all thought.


  1. Sorry Ben Ditty....didn't even know you had a political blog. But....I hate politics, so you'd have to count me out anyways :/

  2. Ben throw more content up...and have guest psycho hosts ;-)

  3. I LOVE politics...and I am certainly in line with the political views espoused by your blog. I for one hope you keep it sir.

  4. While I can't say we are remotely aligned politically, they are very interesting posts.
    What exactly did you have in mind, that the blog was not aspiring to?

    1. I guess the discussions kind of slowed down and I questioned its significance. If the occasional political post here wouldn't work as well.


You've found your way inside my head and now there's no way out!