Monday, October 08, 2012

Haiga & Senryu

When I close my eyes
I remember being home;
Tucked in safe and tight.

The tree knows one home
For its entire lifetime;
Dying if it moves.

Prompt "Home" by Haiku Heights

Image Source


  1. Lovely set..but the second one tugs at my heart ~

  2. I'm definitely not a tree! I've moved so many times I've lost count...

    Desert Home

  3. The first is so nostalgic, the second kind of sad. I wonder how many people 'die' inside from being uprooted?

  4. Beautiful poem and I love both but the first touched my heart..

  5. A home should represent safety, a refuge from the world.

  6. the line "dying if it moves" really resonates with me. excellent choice of picture as well.

  7. B E A U T I F U L :))))))
    right outside my window is an old (I forget what its called...damn it) something something tree. It's one of the oldest trees in town. It's some sort of birch because it sheds its skin. I speak to it often. Tell it how much beautiful it is and thank it for housing so many magnificent birds. And on stormy days, I worry about it. Especially when the wind blows hard.

  8. Freaking awesome, Ben. We had to cut down two HUGE trees in our front yard in the past year and oh, how I miss their shade! It was like losing two old friends. xoxo

  9. Love this write,,,especially the first, which reminds me of my home too,,,,

  10. Yep, I have to agree with many above, that second set was well put and profound.

  11. Love the contrast of these two. The second is quite electrifying.


You've found your way inside my head and now there's no way out!