Tuesday, February 02, 2010

What the Hell are We Fighting For?

What the Hell are We Fighting For?
If we sacrifice our liberties
As the necessities of war,
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we ignore the constitution,
Act to circumvent free speech
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we say a group, it cannot join
The army to defend their home
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we use arms to enforce our hate
Above justice and equality
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we somehow think that our ideals
Are solely inherent to ourselves
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we believe within democracy
Yet, disband it when it's inconvenient
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we use freedom as a crutch
To make the rich, still only richer
What the hell are we fighting for?

If we become the ones we fight
Succumbing to emotions over higher principles-
What the hell are we fighting for?

I wish so dearly I could know
What the hell we're fighting for.

Perhaps I'll never know
What the hell we're fighting for.

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You've found your way inside my head and now there's no way out!