Saturday, December 24, 2011

To My Baby Niece, Isabella

You are young, so young
that failure seems impossible.
I pray you always find it is.
Some of us won’t make our dreams
Come true. I know you will.
You’re free to cry.
You’re free to think and be.
You’re more than me.
You’re you.


  1. How beautiful Ben.This is something she will treasure her whole life...her daddy's encouragement and blessing to dream and just be herself.

    BTW Just thought I would let you know my daughter has a blog. Here is the link.

  2. Aww.. nice post dedicated to Isabella :)
    And here are my wishes in few lines for Isabella:
    "You are young, you are free;
    May God bless u with everything before u realize,
    so that u have no reason to worry;
    and you live life king size."

    Merry Christmas Ben :)

  3. I could never write something like this.

    That is a compliment.

  4. Ben this is full of beauty, but don’t sell yourself have a long life ahead o you..

    Nowhere else do I get word verification gems like I do from your blog...
    Brosies (bro-seez) definition’s 1. Male flowers of the dasie variety with a natural affinity for one another akin to a familial relationship, best friends, or platonic soul mates. 2. A slang term used to describe hetero male dance partners; Jim and Bob are brosies, have been for ages.

  5. Zeba: Thank you, Zeba. Have missed your comments.

    Susie: Oo thank you Susie, I'm just her uncle though. Can't wait to check out the link :)

    Shreya: Aw, that was lovely! I'm sure she'll appreciate that someday :) Merry Christmas!

    Jack: Thanks, Jack. You just keep writing like Jack and don't change :)

    Wander: Hahaha those are great!

  6. This is SO precious, Ben! You post so often and I'm still not seeing them in my reader :'( My 'twin' joined tonight (he he) so let's hope it works this time! Your posts are wonderful and I don't want to miss any!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Aw, thank you so much, Fiona. Feeling very festive after such kind words :)


You've found your way inside my head and now there's no way out!