
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blog Hoppin

Thanks to my friend Scott Morgan for tagging me on his blog WriteHook.  I’ve known Scott’s writing for some time and was lucky enough to meet him in Dallas last year.

Scott has asked me to answer some questions and pass them around to a couple friends. In the coming days Chris McQueeney and Nikki Sherman will answer these questions as well.

Read Scott’s responses here.

1. What am I working on?

I am currently working on a full-length poetry collection titled Inhale the Night.

2. How does my work differ from others in its genre?

Inhale the Night is my first full-length collection.  It has a wide variety of different styles ranging from free verse to haiku, tanka, and a short epic.  I don’t think I’ve seen so many elements work seamlessly together.

3. Why do I write what I do?

Recently, I have written poetry.  I like the challenge and the beauty in finding the right words.  I see things differently when I finish creating something and I hope others do too. Also, it keeps me from going crazy and that helps everyone.

4. How does my writing process work?

I’m very meticulous when I write.  People will tell you to just write and edit later, but I’ve never managed it.  If I see something wrong I stop and work it out.  I’m compulsive like that.


  1. ha. poetry keeps me from going crazy as well...
    i am much more a write and edit later kinda guy too...
    best wishes on your collection man


You've found your way inside my head and now there's no way out!